Sunday, July 24, 2005


Hi sorry I have taken so long to get my act together and write about Florence! I've been back for almost a week and my time in Italy already feels like a dream. It's amazing how you forget about the rest of the world when you are traveling, the people that you meet along the way become instant friends and family and it seems like it will never end.

To continue on from my last blog entry...
After relaxing on the beach in lovely Vernazza in Cinque Terre me and my new friends Molly, Anna and Lindsey (Womble) from Mississippi and Stewart from Ohio had our last night out in Cinque Terre and headed off to Florence on the train on the Friday. We stopped at Pisa on the way (it's the thing to do) and checked in our bags and walked through town on a mission to find the famous tower. I was quite surprised because friends have advised me to simply get off the train then get back on once I'd seen the tower, but Pisa is quite a nice small city. This was my first experience of city dwelling Italians, and they are certainly different from village dwelling ones! Every girl is super sleek, incredibly tall and skinny in tight black pants or tiny little skirts and big black sunnies. I don't know how they walk around in such tall stilettos when all the roads are paved in crazy cobblestones! I was struggling to get around in my 'flip flops'!

The tower really does lean quite a lot, it's pretty amazing. The whole park where it is situated is completely overflowing with tourists, all standing making fools of themselves trying to position themselves in photos as if they're holding the tower up. I really wish I'd taken a photo of all these silly looking people, it would have been much more exciting than the tower. I feel sorry for the architect who built the buildings around the tower, because they are so much more stunning and no one pays any attention to them. We had lunch and one of our half-daily gelatos in Pisa and then headed back to the train and towards Florence.

Hmmm I was planning on writing about Florence in this entry but there is just so much to say and I don't want to miss anything out... I think it may have to wait for the next blog, which I promise will have a few more photos.

As for being in London, I have only started to be scared about terrorism in the last 4 days. There are possibly 4 attempted suicide bombers on the loose at the moment and there have been times where I've been on a packed double decker in the last couple of days with a very sick feeling in my stomach. Can't do anything about it though.

I finally sort of finished up at my job on Friday and have a new job with TMP for 4 days processing the temp testing. My boss lovely Amanda at my old job wants me to call her when I'm done there, she's so sweet, she was desperately trying to find work for me so I could stay on but there isn't much at the moment. I would love to work there more in the future but I guess variety will be a good thing.

Ohh yeah Jaan craziest thing happened to me last night. I was at a house party in the North East suburbs of London with a whole bunch of people I don't know, and I met a guy from Adelaide. He said he's from Marden, went to Charles Campbell and has been to Alpha video etc etc. Then I mentioned your name and he freaked out cos he knows you! It was so strange... John Stokes was his name, he said he knows James Moratz quite well. It was all too weird for me...the world is too small.

Signing off for now, will post with photos (reasonably) soon!

Love the beckmeister


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought pisa was quite pretty as well- although people advised me to not spend too long there i would have liked to spend more: i think its a university town, so lots of young ppl as I am sure u noticed.

don't worry about terrorism- i would be more concerned about being randomly shot by the british police.... )-:

i am sending something over for you today- so keep an eye out for it!

btw- i can't wait to see ur florence pics- did u ever find that pirata shop?? and how good is the golden bridge?!

12:46 am  
Blogger Jaanie said...

haha, how freaky is that? good ol stokesy. i havent seen him in AGES. good ol adelaidians. cant escape them! if you run into him again, say hi from me.

will be seeing you real soon...

3:52 pm  

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