Saturday, October 15, 2005

guten tag!

Well I'm finally in Germany! I always knew I would get here eventually. It is really strange that I'm doing all these things that I've dreamt of for so long, and it just seems like a normal everyday sort of thing to do. I almost had to pinch myself to remember how cool this is! You would not believe how little German I remember, it's quite discusting considering I studied it for a couple of years (and was in the 'advanced class'!). For my first half an hour in Frankfurt I said please instead of thank you to everyone I met!

I've decided that I'm quite fond of my travel style...basically I book flights and show up in cities I know nothing about and without accomodation and just hope it works out! I was also treated to free gourmet breakfast this morning as British Airways is still in a dispute with their's been going for months. So that worked out pretty well, and then I managed to skip all cues all the way to Frankfurt Airport.

Frankfurt is a much cooler city than I expected. It's really quite beautiful, a mix of amazing glass sky-scrapers and medievil buildings on a really pretty lake. I was watching the white swans clean themselves at sunset and it was really nice with all the autumn leaves and silver buildings. I've been struggling to find the centre of city nightlife though, it seems to be either deserted office blocks or rows and rows of sex shops. I read somewhere today that Germany recently legalised prostitution, it certainly seems to be popular here! There is also an incredible amount of young goths. I've seen lots of German Shephards so far, it's strange, I somehow forgot that they were German.

Met a few people already but it looks like I'll have to leave early next morning so I'll have to meet more tomorrow. German hospitality hasn't exactly been crash-hot, that could possibly be because I've been saying something offensive every time I try to say hello.

I'm thinking I'd like to go to Heidelberg tomorrow, but I'd better get some research done to make sure that's possible.

If anyone has any suggestions of places between here and Rome, leave a comment. It may be a more sensible way to decide where to go than rolling a dice, which is what I'm considering!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florence, Milan, Venice, Prague Switzerland? What a wonderful bevy of choice!

4:57 am  

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