Friday, October 21, 2005

just don't know what to do with myself!

Hi everybody!

This is probably the stupidist time I could possibly be writing on the blog, but then that seems to make it all the more appropriate!

Ive spent several days, i'm not sure how many, in Vienna, taking in the lovely buildings and culture and all that stuff. I didn't want to leave, so I didn't, and now I've been kicked out of my loverly hostel (it's called 'beleive-it-or-not' for a reason) so they can do renovations and I have nowhere to go, Venice is a horrible place to find accomodation for and it's either Venice or Florence on the way to Rome, so it looks like I may be be staying in Florence again tomorrow night, this time in a tent! Woot! Probably will need to by a blanket... silly me didn't realise that when I booked a 'room with shared bathroom' that it was a tent with an outdoor dunny! So here I am trying to cancel my booking and find another place, going from expensive internet cafe to even more expensive internet cafe, and realising that Vienna isn't as loverly as I once thought it was! The people are as rude as the french, but fatter, and they all have really ugly and dirty dogs that think they run the city and attack anything they like! All of the footpaths have been covered in puddles all week and today is the only day it rained... I never thought I'd say this but I don't want to see another dog for quite a while.

On a positive note, I'm sure I'll find somewhere to sleep at some time, and on the way down to the even more expensive internet cafe the Vienna Greens party treated me to a free slice of chocolate cake to celebrate their election campaign. Vote for them, they give to the poor AND are actively improving international relations! Oh and I guess I have met some pretty cool people... will write about my more positive experinces at a later date.

Better get my act together... gee I'm hopeless... oh well, that's what it's all about isn't it? 'Life experience'



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