Sunday, October 01, 2006

dancing pirates look strange

Went out to a random house party last night, it was full of pirates and wenches. I attempted to make myself look like jack sparrow but only succeeded in scaring everyone with my greasy hair and black eyeliner. We discovered that pirates look very strange dancing...they don't look scary, they just look silly!

I have my first good 'ol Aussie BBQ (since I got back) tomorrow at Lauren's house...been looking forward to this for ages : ) I have been saying that once I got back to Australia I might start eating meat again since it's so yummy over here, however it looks like this isn't going to happen. I still don't crave meat and the thought of it makes me feel a little bit ill...who would have ever thought this would happen???

A little annoyed as my Dad's been in Edinburgh this week...I'm very jealous. Although there is quite a sad reason for him being there so I should probably not be so infantile.

I need to do a little bit of blog house-keeping - since I'm not on my 'big trip' anymore...should my blog still be called Becky's Big Trip? I plan on traveling again but not for a little while yet...besides, I don't think it's the coolest name for a blog...has anyone got a better suggestion?

What I'm listening to at the moment: Regina Spektor, Fidelity


Blogger Lauren Ford said...

I have been listening to Regina Spektor constantly for the last two weeks. She is so amazing. I am at Kriata's now and we both wanted to say hi. We found an amazing apartment that we should be closing the deal on in the next couple days. As for blog names, I'm always a fan of random. I think it alwyas pays to have a blog titled like a graphic novel. Since starting mine I have found my life has become completely crazy. could be the blog title. you never never know. I knwo what you mean about resenting the people who are in Edinburgh. I'm happy to be home but, god, I miss that city.
Hugs from the all-american suburbs,

6:03 am  

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