Sunday, June 24, 2007

new starts

I start my new job today! Well it's the same job but in a different department. It'll be much more independant work and I'll get a company car to drive around... yay!

I saw Adelle off at the airport a few days ago... she's on her way to live in London town... I'm trying to deal with my jealousy, but mainly I'm pretty darn excited for her because I know she is going to have an absolute blast over there, and the city will absolutely love her.

Have been bad and haven't gone to swing much lately. It's so hard to follow any routine with such random shifts all the time... plus it's so cold that I just want to huddle up in front of the heater every night and retain my fat storage. There was however a lovely ball on the other night at the Estonian Hall which I went along to with Kyra... was great to get out there and dance like a crazy person for a bit! Reminder to self: actually go to swing classes so I don't feel like such an idiot at socials.


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