Wednesday, December 28, 2005

snow snow snow!!!!

Yesterday morning Susie woke me up with the words I have been waiting to hear all month - "Becky it's snowing!!" Woo hoo!!!! I ran to the window and saw big fat chunks of ice floating up down and around in the wind, seeming to joyfully defy the rules of gravity. It was beautiful! Of course being in London it didn't last very long, but enough did settle for me to walk down the road in my brand new boots (thanks dad!) and create really cool footprints. I felt like I was in a murder mystery! Of course I was the only person outside; everyone else in the neighbourhood had seen snow before and had the sense to go back to bed... so I had it all to myself. So there you go - one more 'achievement' on my travel list done! (finally!)

There are only three working days this week in the UK so the company I work at is pretty much closed and I had to find myself another job for this week. Last Friday and this week I am 'holding the fort' for a small company connected to Macquarie Bank that specialises in some part of investment or real estate and business at a level that I have no hope of understanding, so I probably won't even try. Basically I am only here to answer the phone if it rings- and that's not very often, and otherwise I'm just reading, surfing the net and looking out at the amazing view of London that I have from the 35th (top floor) of the very cool Macquarie building in the middle of the city. I have almost the entire floor to myself!!!! How do I always get these jobs in such amazing locations? They just keep on getting better and better... Expect more dribbling posts as the week goes on as I have a feeling there's only so much time I can spend staring out at the city from so high up that I can't see much movement.

I still don't have any set dates, housing or jobs set up for Edinburgh - it's too risky to book any of that in until I find my replacement for the flat. Cassie has been trying for almost a month to find someone to replace her so it doesn't look so promising for me and I must have someone in there as I'll need my bond back and can't pay rent once I leave. People have been asking me what my plan is after Edinburgh and I wish I could answer but there are just too many options and not enough money for all of them. I would still love to volunteer somewhere but that would mean saving a lot of money, or I could go back to uni so I can get my degree then maybe get sponsored in a job in the UK, but that would mean probably two years at home first, and I don't think now is the time for me to be home. Or I could always just keep on doing what I'm doing now - I could get a visa in Ireland, or France or Canada and keep on working and traveling until I get bored... All I know for sure is that my working visa here is running out and I have a round-the-world ticket that I need to use before September, which means I'll be home some time in the 3rd quarter of next year for an uncertain amount of time.

Anyway I'm bored with this post, might read my book for a bit...

But first I'm going to copy jaan and tell you what song I'm singing in my head at the moment (no ipod to listen to and I'm going a little bit nuts!) :

'Around the world' - East 17.


Monday, December 26, 2005

somerset house

somerset house
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
I held on to the wall for a few laps but was determined to teach myself to skate... I was never able to roller skate and have only ice skated once in Adelaide. I finally started to get the hang of it and was so proud to make over 4 laps without going to the decided I needed a rest, went to grab the barrier, and did the funniest stack I have ever seen! My feet went up, I hovered in the air for a bit, then smashed onto the ice on bum, my mobile phone in my pocket just to guarantee a big bruise! There is something really really fun about falling over ice skating, maybe it cos you’re free falling for a split second? Hehe anyway I’m talking crap.

Had a great Christmas, not the most innocent or religious of my life but it was good to be around friends while away from family. Still no bloody snow, it’s been 10 degrees and sunny most days, I’m getting a little impatient!! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, lots of love to you and your families!

skating buddies

skating buddies
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
So the last few weeks for me have been choc-a-block full of festive activities, a surprising amount of them have been work related! We've had several christmas parties and lunches at work and been out most nights for christmas drinks. Last Saturday some of my workmates and Susie and I all went Ice skating at the stunning Somerset House where I saw Sigur Ros. It was so magical! That is, until I got on the skating rink!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

my work from the tower bridge

my work from the tower bridge
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
No explanations needed!

tower place atrium

tower place atrium
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Yesterday morning there was a choir in our atrium, which is one of the largest atriums in Europe, and the beautiful echoing sound was something I'll never forget. Our building was designed by Norman Foster, contemporary England's architectural baby (google him - you'll be amazed at how much of his stuff you know) and he did a pretty good job but he obviously didn't put too much thought into shading devises on the 6th floor!

tower moat & tower place

tower moat & tower place
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
So this is Christmas...It's hard to be a Scrooge over hear, all of the skating rinks, christmas trees and parties certainly don't allow you to forget it! This is what I walk past every night from work to the Tube station - that is the Tower of London all in green, where so many famous heads have been chopped off, they have set up a rink in the moat and it's gorgeous at night. The building that I work at and in which I am typing right now is the glass one lit up on the right. I can't beleive how lucky I am, being able to work in such amazing environments! Our restaurant where we had our work christmas lunch (and lunch every other day) looks across to the tower and beyond to the incredibally pretty Tower Bridge. We're next to the river and walked down in our lunch break the other day to watch the bridge open up while a tall ship went through.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

jesus and the church

jesus and the church
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.

on the cross

on the cross
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.

prague at night

prague at night
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
The Charles Bridge and Prague Castle


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
It was sort of savoury but sweet, like nothing I have every had before...

yummy pastry

yummy pastry
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Had to wait in a very long line for this but it was oh so worth it...


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
I've never seen folk dancing be so entertaining...they were having the best time!


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Yummy yummy gingerbread...hmm I need to go back there!

'smart' police car

'smart' police car
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
It's not too hard to escape the cops in Prague...

town square celebrations

town square celebrations
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
This is the same square the next day, it was so festive, and surprisingly not as touristy as I expected.

medievil spires

medievil spires
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
It was so so so cold and we were drinking mulled wine in the old town square with the yummy smell of a pig being roasted nearby.


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
some of the last Prague photos before I forget!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

from the castle

from the castle
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
This is looking back toward where I was standing next to the river in my first Prague photo. All the terracotta tiles and weathered copper roofs, and horses clip-clopping along cobblestones past powerful statues make this part of Prague very beautiful.

in the castle

in the castle
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
I have to say the castle was disappointing, I had expected the whole thing to be medievil and it turned out to be relatively modern and very very looked like a movie set actually, which is pretty much it's main function these days I think! This cathedral was the oldest looking building that I saw. We went inside, it was much like a lot of other cathedrals.

changing of the guards

changing of the guards
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
These young men were nowhere near as coordinated as british soldiers in this ceremony, but I thought it was cool anyway - and their hats are nowhere near as stupid as British guards so they looke dcooler anyway!

charles bridge

charles bridge
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
so pretty...

60p beer!

60p beer!
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
The beer was half the price of water...can anyone please explain how that is possible?

in prague!

in prague!
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
That's Charles Bridge on the left and the castle in the background.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

in Prague and well

Sorry to the people texting me for not answering - I ran out of credit the second I left the country. Finally in Prague!!!!!!!! It's so grorgeous, although the bad service is starting to get me down - all the waiters are even more rude than England. Walked around the castle yesterday, checked out a some of the christmas markets and had 'hot vino' in the old square in front of the most gorgeous church, with christmas lights all over the market huts and a big giant tree, and horses and carts...very romantic and very very friggen freezing! I was expecting snow but no such luck as yet : (
Will be back home on Monday night.

Monday, December 05, 2005

susie & me

susie & me
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
not a good one of me, but isn't Susie a hottie?


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Well this isn't the best picture but I thought it's about time to put up a photo of my housemates, this is Cassie, me, Claire and Susie a few weeks ago dressed up in our lovely lounge room for Susie's birthday. I have a new room mate called Stacey, but don't have a photo of her yet!

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Sorry this is blurry but it's the best it's going to get!

So now Jaan is gone and life is back to normal, I was sick last week so I couldn't go ice-skating in the moat of the Tower of London on Friday as planned, had people around last night for my flatmate Cassie's birthday, and otherwise I'm busy trying to work out how the hell to budget and what I'm going to do in Edinburgh! It's a bit scary going there without any money so the nest couple of months are going to have to be very basic for me, which is going to be hard since I'm going to Prague next weekend, then it's Christmas and new years, and Berlin in January! I'm a little worried about a job in Edinburgh, but since I haven't really looked into anything yet it's a little too early to worry.

Also I just have to say congrats on getting through all the tests Lauren! My mischievous little friend is going to be a police officer before long… can you believe it?? And also don’t forget to check out Adelle’s blog, she’s in Japan and it sounds like she’s having an amazing time – she even saw a real life geisha!

sad times and ugly faces

sad times and ugly faces
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
at the airport

on the tube

on the tube
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Jaan enjoying his last crush on the Tube in peak traffic, with a huge backpack and suitcase - fun!

taking janka out japanese style

taking janka out japanese style
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
So anyway on friday Jaan finally left London, but the Thursday night before he did we met his very cool German friend Janka and had a cool dinner sitting on Japanese mats at my favourite place in Chinatown. Janka speaks English with an English/Irish/Mississippi accent, it's quite a hard one to pick but it definitely wasn't German and the guys found it quite amusing.


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
This is for those of you who may be doubting that we were all really in London at the same time...yes, that is Trudy's hair and scarf on the left hand side.

happy trudy

happy trudy
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Trudy just looks so happy in this picture that I had to include it even though you can't see her properly!

jaan sarah and i

jaan sarah and i
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
I finally have a photo of my gorgeous friend Sarah who has sadly left me for fruit-filled sunny Shepparton. Thanks for an excellent night at the Elke bar Sarah, we all had an excellent time! You know you want to come and spend another year in the UK!