Friday, January 27, 2006

no more photos : (

Well while at work yesterday some rude bugger broke into our house and stole Susie's laptop, her camera and Aus$600 from her room, and my digital camera. They were nice enough to inspect my SLR camera and ipod and leave them both - SLRs are obviously too old fashioned for theives to work out. Anyway that's my crappy news, I'm not that worried about it though cos I'll hopefully get another camera on travel insurance - but nothing will replace my old one that dad gave me!

Monday, January 23, 2006

reichstag 2

reichstag 2
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
I love it even more now looking at the photos...

reichstag 1

reichstag 1
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Designed by the same guy that did my office and the Gerkin etc... wow!

jewish museum

jewish museum
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Finally seen it in the flesh! It was just as stunning as expected on the outside but the museum really was disappointing I'm sorry to say.

ich bin eine terroristin

ich bin eine terroristin
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
some art in the city


Inside the Jewish Museum -

Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
pretty bloody cool hey??

brandenburg gate

brandenburg gate
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
very important stuff. you should see photos of this in the war - EVERYTHING around it was destoyed.


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
arty farty

memorial to the murdered jews

memorial to the murdered jews
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Amazing memorial - by Peter Eisenman. Went here every day.

i'm being slack

Well it's over 2 weeks since I've been back from Berlin and I'm thinking that I'm probably not going to be doing my big write-up on Berlin. I don't know why but I always seem to be too busy at work and too tired before or after...I've suddenly caught a bad case of the sleep-ins so I never get to work on time anymore. The stress of trying to find a housemate to replace me has sort of made me a bit slack with everything, including actually finding a new housemate! I think this week is the 4th week that I've been looking. I may be in luck though - Stacey's good friend Anya has just arrived in London from Auckland and she's keen to take the room as long as she gets a job! And the freaky thing is - she's looking for work as a Marketing Assistant so I'm going to put her name forward for my job! Creepy she'll be adopting my friends and family - single white female!

Anyway so the next step as soon as I've filled my room is booking my train ticket to edinburgh, booking my going away party and putting my resume out there! I'll probably stay with my good friend Danii for a week and on the well-used lounge at our house for a little while in an attempt to get some savings up, then I'm off! The plan had been for me to be in Edinburgh now (Damian has already been there for 2 weeks) but it obviously just wasn't meant to be and I've become OK with that - I think I will miss London more than I expected - the last few weeks have been great and I've met a lot of new people, but my time in the UK is rapidly running out so I need to experience Edinburgh before it's too late. Aww I'm becoming sad thinking of leaving London : (

So back to Berlin - it is such an amazing and unique city. At first I thought it was strange and quite horrible but by the end I'd fallen in love with it. It's not as big as I expected and it is so barren - huge blocks of land are still left empty in the centre of town - but it's strating to be developed quite a lot.

The reichstag was definitely my favourite building - the dome is so so beautiful. The night scene is fantastic ... thumping bars in stripped out old East Berlin buildings ... communist propoganda themed bars with young German guys rapping up on stag ... and a huge super-classy club up on the 12th floor of an office building in the centre of town. Will definitely not forget it for a long time! The Jewish mueum was the thing that I had highest expectations of so of course it let me down - not as big and the exibition was so dislocated from the building. I would still recommend it anyway though.

almost out of to everyone!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
We were at the airport railway station for around an hour...I was very lazy and didn't organise directions for the whole weekend - it was fantastic! The bad side to letting someone else lead me around in a new city though is that I now have no idea how the city is laid out, so the map in my mind is a little bit dodgy!


Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Probably the prettiest view of's certainly not all like this!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

the wall

the wall
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Look solemn in front of the wall. It’s strange, only now while uploading this photo have I thought ‘wow that’s the famous, horrible, historic Berlin wall’. I didn’t seem to get the significance of it at the time. We did a huge walking tour which was fantastic, this was part of it. The tour guide pointed out that it's funny that a wall that kept so many people trapped for so long now needs it's own fence to protect it.

church & tower

church & tower
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Loved the tower! Note the ice everywhere.

evil eyes!

evil eyes!
Originally uploaded by BeckyKiil.
Claire, Toby, KC, Chris/Swede, Susie and me. Coldest I have ever been in my life!

Monday, January 09, 2006

still in berlin!!

Having a fantastic time, did the best tour yesterday and heard cool stories about the wall etc. Saw Hitler's resting place - well, where he died. It's a run down parking lot where dogs go and crap every morning ... it's great! Jewish museum today.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


I'm in Berlin! Had no sleep getting here last night - we had a horrible trip to the dreaded Stansted airport because our flight left at some ungodly hour of the morning. Oh well the tickets only cost me 1penny each way! (before taxes of course)

In Berlin for Cassie's farewell...spent today just wandering around, haven't seen much so far and our hostel is out in the far eastern suburbs, all the surrounding buildings are gigantic housing estates with their windows missing...eerie!

Having a pretty big night tonight then tomorrow we've got a full walking tour of berlin, then maybe a jazz club tomorrow night, and I'm leaving monday completely free so I can spend all day at the jewish museum!

Will post when I get back...Oh yeah there was snow all over the airport when we landed this morning! woo hoo!