Wednesday, February 22, 2006

happy birthday JAANIE!!!!

OK so do you think having his name in the title will make up for the terrible fact that I'm two days (3 Australian time) late??


I've been working a few days now and am quite enjoying it, my office is very young so it should be a fun place to be!

I finally found a flat the other night - I said I was keen without even knowing the details and they asked me to move in 2 seconds after I had walked out the door - i have a feeling it's going to be a very fun place to live! It's just outside the the Old town on the edge of the meadows...exactly where I wanted to live. I'll be sharing the very cosy flat with two very cool guys - both half scottish, one half german and one half english.

Will update when something else interesting happens.

Hope you had a great day Jaan, lots of love!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, February 18, 2006

settling in

I had the handover for my first Edinburgh temp job yesterday - turns out I'm not just a HR Administrator but also the receptionist - I'm replacing 2 temps! Should be good though, the team seems really fun and hopefully it won't be too crazy.

I'm of two minds about what to do about accommodation - I haven't found the 'perfect flat' yet, which isn't really surprising since I haven't even been here a week. The thing is I'm getting quite comfy in my hostel and they do good long-term rates, and if I help out a bit each day accommodation becomes much much cheaper - this is really tempting because it may allow me to stay here longer as I won't have to work as'll be a really different lifestyle to the one I've had so far in the UK - not so many luxuries and no personal space - but it may be the most sensible thing for me to do - not to mention the fact that the hostel is a really social place to be!

Anyway I've been having an excellent time here so far, met some pretty cool people, seen lots of bands and have spent almost all my spare money at various pubs all over the Old Town. Hmmm maybe this hostel lifestyle isn't so cheap after all??

Monday, February 13, 2006

bonnie scotland

So far this year has been unusually crazy for me - I've spent the last month 'preparing' to go to Edinburgh - of course this consisted of going out a lot and meeting a whole bunch of fantastic Londoners, just to make life difficult for me! I somehow managed to get around 5 leaving parties out of friends and workmates and by the end of my time in London I'm left feeling very much a Londoner and a little unsure that I'll feel the same way about Edinburgh.

So I finally got to Edinburgh yesterday; I got a train up along the coast, found my hostel, wandered around a bit then met Damian for dinner. It is such a GORGEOUS city and my hostel is so fantastic - I'm staying at a place called Castle Rock Hostel just under the castle. I'm itching to start working and get a house though because at the moment I just feel like a tourist and that's not what I want from this town.

So now on to finding a job - wish me luck!